Help Feed Our City Using Free, Donated Groceries
Distributed with Love on the Street, and through Partners
$115,623 raised
$100,000 goal
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
If you've seen grocery prices lately, you know why fixed income elderly and families in Milwaukee are feeling financial stress. Budgets are strained beyond belief, and there are over 60,000 hungry children in Milwaukee.
Just One More Ministry (JOMM) gathers up donated groceries and gives them away at no cost to hungry people in Milwaukee’s neighborhoods – including directly handing it from the back of our truck, in Milwaukee’s “food deserts”. We call this STREET OUTREACH and it touches 3,000 souls weekly.
We also give food to 75 local homeless charities, food pantries & ministries, recovery houses, women & children's shelters, neighborhood churches, and youth programs.
This "Grocery Price Relief" campaign is our main, annual drive to raise money for overhead such as staffing, truck gas & repairs, rent, and utilities. With your help, we aim to distribute 4 million pounds of food