We Need Your Help to Feed Milwaukee's Children, Elderly, and Poor
Be Jesus to Someone Today
$94,586 raised
$100,000 goal
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Please Donate Towards Our "Bag & Buck" Campaign
We estimate that 60,000 children in Milwaukee don’t know where their next meal is coming from. Elderly shut-ins are more at risk of contracting COVID-19, so are staying home. Social isolation has caused even more food insecurity for our most vulnerable.
Our current Bag and Buck Campaign (see www.jomministry.org/bagandbuck) is running from May 15 to June 15, and we are praying that many households will be moved to provide the food and funds needed to expand our Street Outreach Program which is currently operating 4 days per week.
We give out more than 100,000 pounds of rescued food every month, and with COVID-19, we are finding there is no more efficient way than to take a van full of food directly to very poorest neighborhoods of Milwaukee.
Thank you for sharing our heart for the least among us, it is wonderful way to shine a bright light in a dark world. That's why the motto of this campaign is: "Be Jesus to Someone Today".
Interested in giving a bag of groceries too? Click here for a PDF flyer.
Thank You for Blessing Us